Monday, February 10, 2014

Ladies...calm down ;)

Just want to clarify a few things from Ryan's previous blog post. We are not moving to Africa tomorrow! As Ryan said, he has felt called to full time ministry for a while now which is why he started school two years ago to complete a BA in Religion. We want to be open to whatever doors God leads us to. My prayer for years has been that I would not sit by idly enjoying my privileges and advantages while the rest of the world suffers, grieves and starves. Not if God is willing to use me to do something about it. Right now we have committed to saying yes to fly over to Ethiopia at the end of the Summer for God to confirm if this is where He wants us to serve full time. We are SO excited about the MYM ministry and all they are doing in Ethiopia with community based orphan care. We want to see the ministry first hand and evaluate Nara's emotions. Ladies you do not need to stress just yet and go looking for a new hairstylist lol!!! If God continues to confirm that this is His plan after our 4-6 week trip, we will then begin to raise funding to be there full time. Raising funding will most likely take months, so either way we are looking at at least another year before we would be moving. Thank you to all who have encouraged us upon hearing about this opportunity and we thank you so very much for partnering in prayer with us. More than anything we just want God to be glorified. This isn't about us. We aren't going to change the world. Jesus will do that. We just want to be obedient and say yes to however our lives can best serve Him.


  1. My dear.....I love you very much but I think I might just have to shoot you for not telling me! lol! Come on now, roommate!!! ;)

    1. Well since we share a room and work opposite days it makes it a little hard to have a face to face conversation ha ;)
