Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Two Years

 So everyone always wants to know if we've heard anything. Well, yes and no. We have been keeping up with our agency's unofficial list and last month (June) there we're approximatley 14 referrals! Usually it's only around 4-5 per month. We also have conference calls once a month for all families to listen in on. We email our AWAA family cordinator Elise anytime we have a question. She has been great through the whole process. But basically we won't hear anything specifically on our case until we "hear something." We have anxiously been awaiting "THE CALL."The heart attack inducing AWAA on caller ID where Elise will tell us we have a referral! Then we will get on the computer and be introduced to our child with the highly anticipated email file and pictures! Some days are such a struggle. I try to put it out of my mind but you really just can't.  What an emotional roller coaster this has been! This past Sunday was two years since we mailed off our application! Never dreamed it would take this long. Adoption is very dear to my heart and I have tried to always maintain a positive attitude when asked about how the process is going. Somedays are easy. Most days lately are hard. REALLY hard! As a pastor/friend said last week. "Adoption Is WAR." It is a spiritual battle for the hearts and futures of kids everywhere. It is a fight for those who can't speak for themselves. A picture of salvation that the enemy wants to destroy."  The wait hasn't been easy but it is so worth it. Worth every emotion and every penny spent. Worth every test, because SHE is worth it. "May my test today be my testimony for tomorrow."  I also believe that God hasn't wasted this time. He has grown me in ways I never would have and I am slowly but surely learning to be still in His presence. He loves us more than we will ever know and He is fighting for us.....

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